033: Olivia Simeon
Also known as Artbybiang, Olivia Simeon is a Palauan-Japanese acrylic painter based in Guam who explores the themes of the natural world through her artwork.
Olivia Simeon (Artbybiang)
For Simeon, art is deeply intertwined with spirituality. She views God as the ultimate creator and believes that human creativity is a reflection of divine creation. This perspective shapes her understanding of art as a manifestation of innate, God-given talents. Simeon emphasizes that art is not limited to painting but encompasses all forms of creative expression that individuals are passionate about. Her approach to art is a celebration of the beauty and diversity of God's creation, mirrored in her vibrant and heartfelt works. As such, like many others in Guam, nature serves as Simeon’s primary source of inspiration, offering a retreat from the chaos of everyday life and influencing her landscape paintings. Simeon’s signature style emphasizes simplicity, balance, and harmony.
Olivia Simeon (Artbybiang)
Simeon’s artistic inclinations were nurtured from a young age. A memorable experience in elementary school involved painting with the renowned marine artist (Robert) Wyland, which left a lasting impression on her. During her high school and college years, Olivia expanded her creative repertoire to include nail art, a passion she continues to pursue alongside her studies in counseling and nail technology. Her diverse educational and personal experiences have enriched her artistic practice, blending various forms of art into her unique style.
Olivia Simeon (Artbybiang)
Simeon’s official foray into acrylic painting was sparked by a significant life transition. Moving out of a condo where she had built meaningful friendships, she left behind two paintings for her neighbors as a parting gift. This act of generosity and the therapeutic process of painting during a challenging time in her life led her to fully embrace art. Since then, Simeon has been dedicated to honing her skills and exploring new artistic horizons, finding solace and purpose in her creative pursuits. Today, she continues to challenge herself to grow by expanding her repertoire to master portrait painting.
Olivia Simeon (Artbybiang)
Simeon views artists as vital to society, preserving culture and history through their work for future generations and providing creativity spark to even inventors. As for common attributes, she believes that a shared passion and dedication to quality unite all artists. Her advice to aspiring artists is to seize the moment and commit to developing their craft, assuring them that their effort will be worthwhile.
““Don’t think about it, just do. If you’ve always been creative, find your medium, and work at it to develop your skills. Don’t be like me and say to yourself when I have the time. Make the time for it and do it. I promise you won’t regret it.””
Olivia Simeon (Artbybiang)
Please introduce yourself and describe what you do.
Hi my name is Olivia Simeon and I run Artbybiang on Instagram. Biang, if you're wondering, is a nickname my family calls me and it has stuck to me since. I pretty much have done art all my life. I consider myself creative using the resources I have. I only started specializing in acrylic painting 02/2021 when I opened up my art page.
How would you define art?
God I believe is the author and creator of art. Everything we paint and do is a reflection of what he has already created. Since we are made in the image of God, we reflect those attributes. How God created the world, we are able to create art. Art comes in many forms, it is based on your God given talents and what you enjoy doing.
Why did you choose your art form?
How that started was leaving a condo I rented for about a year and made great friendships with my neighbors. It was a difficult time period in my life at that time and I truly believe God led me to pursue art as a means to cope. I left two paintings for two of my neighbors and since then have started my acrylic painting journey.
How did your high school/college years affect the work you make today?
In elementary school I remember I got the opportunity to paint with Wyland along with 2 other students from my school. As I got to high school and college I started to do nail art. I remember doing nails for friends, family, and people at school and church. Right now I am finally going to school to be a nail technician. I put it off for 10 years, wanting to obtain my degrees first. Now I am pursuing a career in counseling and nail technology.
Who do you idolize?
I would say my family. I come from a family of talented people both in art and music. My family has been my greatest support system, I truly thank God for their endless support and unwavering love. They’ve always been there for me, I don’t think I’d make it this far without them. If you’re talking about an artist I idolize, the first artist I met was Wyland. Like him, I love the ocean, swimming in it most especially and painting it.
Where do you get your inspiration?
My inspiration is nature, which also provides me an escape from the busyness of life. It's also why I paint landscapes primarily.
What do you do when you're stuck on an artwork or lacking motivation or inspiration?
I usually do something else to take my mind off of it, until I'm ready to get back to it. Sometimes I even start on another painting, which can also motivate me.
What do you like incorporating most into your art?
I believe in keeping it simple and that less is more. I like to incorporate balance and harmony into my paintings.
What is something that you add to your art as your signature?
I add my initial B in the front of my paintings and I sign my government name at the back + date of completion.
Take us through your process for making art.
I learned that I need to sketch my drawings with pencil. In that way, I can make the necessary changes prior to starting the actual painting. Painting can be difficult because once you make a mistake you have to do it all over again; that’s why this step is crucial. Once I believe I am ready, it is when I start preparing my palette, making sure I have all my tools ready for the painting. Once I am done I sign, date at the back and let it dry for at least a day. I finish off by spraying Krylon crystal clear acrylic coating. I have used polycrylic too- depends what type of finish you’d like from matte to glossy.
What do you struggle with the most when making art?
I'm still trying to challenge myself to do portraits. That's one thing I would like to master.
What role do artists have in society?
Without art we would not have known our history and culture. Artists are the main reason for inventions and the technology we have today.
What characteristics do you think all artists share?
I believe we all have a passion to put our hearts and souls into whatever it is we do, because it matters that we produce quality artwork. To be honest, It is hard to find quality workers these days.
What’s your favorite place in Guam?
I have two favorite free-diving spots which are at fish-eye and gun beach. My favorite spot is a few feet past the observatory and the turtle bed at gun beach.
How has your artwork evolved over time?
I have noticed my skills improving as I put in more time and effort, my goal is to improve my speed applying the same quality of work.
Why did you choose to become an artist?
I don’t think I chose this, but that God has gifted me to be one. I thank God for the gifts he has given me and I hope to do them well to the best of my abilities; in the end for His glory.
Is your art geared towards a specific audience?
Not primarily, it’s for anyone who enjoys my art. I’m trying to hone in on my style.
Do you have any tips for aspiring artists?
Don’t think about it, just do. If you’ve always been creative, find your medium, and work at it to develop your skills. Don’t be like me and say to yourself when I have the time. Make the time for it and do it. I promise you won’t regret it.