014: Gisela Guile

Based in Guam, Gisela Guile works as an elementary school art teacher for the GDOE.

Gisela Guile

She studied art in college, introducing her to numerous techniques that remain useful to her today. While she humbly declines the title artist, she has joined a painting club, which allows her to appreciate and replicate Guam’s natural beauty. When painting, she tends to opt to use bold colors that allow certain aspects of her artwork to truly pop.

Guile enjoys allowing children access to many different forms of art to truly tap into their creativity. Perhaps she wants to share her great experiences from university, where she made most of her artworks, and she encourages aspiring artists to gain a higher education in art, expressing her enjoyment of those times. It seems that she focuses now mainly on experimentation as the aims of her artworks is to improve and learn.

To read Gisela Guile’s interview, continue reading below. Thanks again for agreeing to meet with me.

Gisela Guile

Describe what you do.

Art teacher in Elementary School.

How would you define art?

I hardly do art myself. I do not call myself an artist like I told you.

Why did you choose your art form?

I like painting with acrylics, but I like all other kinds of media.

How did your high school/college years affect the work you make today?

I went to UOG and took 35 credits of art. It helped me to see what our professor told us, which is true. It also introduced me to lots of techniques.

Who do you idolize?

Lots of artists, Emil Nolde, van Gogh, Picasso, Georgia O’Keef, and a lot more.

Where do you get your inspiration?

By joining a painting club, we go outside sketching and painting.

What do you do when you're stuck on an artwork or lacking motivation or inspiration?

I am hardly doing art. Never stuck.

What do you like incorporating most into your art?

I am a bold color lover

What is something that you add to your art as like your signature?

Just a signature

Take us through your process for making art.

I hardly do any art. Just painting out side and sketching.

What do you struggle with the most when making art?

No struggle

What role do artists have in society?

Supposedly to change the world and I am not doing that.

What characteristics do you think all artists share?

I am sure artists are very different, but they enjoy to use their creativity

What’s your favorite place in Guam?

The ocean and the jungle and my 1.7 acre backyard which is almost like a jungle but has many fruit trees.

How has your artwork evolved over time?

Has not begun yet

Why did you choose to become an artist?

Never did, I am an art teacher and enjoy letting students be creative and enjoy different media.

Do you have any tips for aspiring artists?

Yes, go to the university and study art. I really enjoyed taking all the classes at UOG. That is where I did most of my art.

Is your art geared towards a specific audience?

Geared towards me learning more.


015: Via Valencia


013: Olivia Newman